Adults from $39.00 , Children from $19.50
Families from $97.50
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The Skyrail experience, spanning 7.5kms over pristine rainforest, allows you to explore the wonders of an ancient tropical rainforest and learn about one of the most botanically fascinating and diverse areas on earth. Gliding just metres above the rainforest canopy in comfortable six-person gondola cabins, the Skyrail journey immerses you in an intimate rainforest experience where you’ll see, hear, smell and become part of the tropical rainforest environment. Relax and enjoy the stunning rainforest scenery, panoramic views of the Cairns?tropical region and the glittering waters of the Coral Sea. Alight at Skyrail’s two rainforest mid-stations, Red Peak and Barron Falls, where you’ll explore this amazing environment from the forest floor on boardwalks, scenic look-outs and in the state-of-the-art Rainforest Interpretation Centre. Voted Australia’s Best Major Tourist Attraction, the multi-award winning Skyrail is recognised not only as a premier tourist experience, but as a world leader in eco-tourism, providing you with a truly unique rainforest experience available no where else in the world.Skyrail can be enjoyed as complete day tour adventure or combined as a package with a number of Cairns’ other leading tourist attractions. Skyrail’s Kuranda Terminal is located a short walk from the famous village of Kuranda where you’ll be able to enjoy the local attractions and shopping. A one-way Skyrail Experience will take approximately 90 minutes to complete and for a return experience you should allow 2 hours. Our trip map section contains more information. Skyrail’s Caravonica Terminal is located just 15 minutes drive from Cairns city. Port Douglas is situated north, only 50 minutes from Skyrail. Both of these locations are conveniently serviced by regular coach transfer pick-ups. Self-drive passengers will also find Skyrail’s location easily accessible. Skyrail Rainforest Cableway operates daily from 8.15am to 5.15pm and is open 364 days of the year (closed Christmas Day). Prices subject to change – Please visit the booking links to view most up to date prices. |